Lebanese newspaper Al Joumhouria teams up with Keira Rathbone who does artwork on her typewriter to recreate iconic, yet censored, images from the Lebanese 2024 war.
War and survival stories from the Middle East are being systematically erased on social media. Automated algorithms, intended to safeguard users, now flag critical images as “sensitive” or “violating guidelines,” preventing Middle Eastern journalists from sharing the realities of war and conflict. As a result, the Western world is cut off from crucial information, and vital stories remain hidden before they ever reach a global audience.
To counter this suppression, Lebanese daily newspaper Al Joumhouria has launched “Uncensored Press”, calling on the public to sign a petition at uncensored-press.com, urging social media platforms to stop using algorithms as tools for silencing truth.
In an innovative effort to bypass digital censorship, Al Joumhouria collaborated with artist Keira Rathbone to recreate scenes of conflict solely through letters and symbols typed on a typewriter. These intricate, typewritten visuals retain the emotional and journalistic impact of the original images, while escaping automated censorship filters—proving that powerful images can endure when transformed into text. By using the very foundation of journalism—words—they ensure that crucial stories continue to be shared freely.
This campaign has not only allowed the public to see otherwise suppressed images but has also sparked deeper conversations on the ethical consequences of algorithmic censorship. Al Joumhouria’s initiative underscores the resilience of the press and highlights the urgent need for social media platforms to reevaluate their moderation strategies. By bringing these issues into the spotlight, they make a compelling demand that critical stories not be erased under the guise of digital safety.
Ultimately, this project shows that censorship can be circumvented, opening new avenues for journalists and activists to document human rights violations without interference. As the Uncensored Press campaign gathers momentum, its call to action becomes stronger: signing the petition at uncensored-press.com amplifies the movement and increases pressure on social media platforms to guarantee that important stories are seen. By sharing and supporting these typewritten visuals, we can all help ensure that the truth reaches the world.
The press was never meant to be silenced. As long as creative minds continue to challenge the status quo, it never will be. The above image is a mix of the original photo by Bilal Hassan and the Keira Rathbone reinterpretation.
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