Ryan Baghazal, Senior Account Manager, MEMAC Ogilvy #30under30
I was expecting that advertising would involve communicating with high profile people, intellects & influencers- mainly rubbing shoulders 24/7 with wow individuals and brining dreams, aspirations and visions to life via the work created.
I was not expecting that it will be more of adjusting the gradient colors of the PPT dividers most of the time and 10% of living the high end life.
I am interested in building a name for myself that echoes in the market as a Saudi talent since there are not many in the field.
I am not accepting to have myself as another number in the monthly payroll.
I shall be more focused towards my goals to further grow myself and the company I work at
I shall not be another one that bites the dust. “The show must go on, see what I did there?”
I like it when I see 9 ladies deliver a baby in 1 month, to put it in a less creepy context I like it when I get a month’s work done in a week and see it come to life.
I dislike it when people overcomplicate simple tasks
My biggest ambition is to redefine the perception of Saudi talent
My biggest worry is Losing the drive to innovate.
I am most proud of the continuous growth I’m steering through where many was saying it’s only a temp job before I look into something more financially beneficial!
I am a bit ashamed that I don’t what how it feels to be shamed.
Looking back, probably I should have Shouted my ideas away instead of staying silent out of the fear of being wrong!
Looking back, probably I should not have Overthought every detail.
It all fell apart when What fell apart?! This is not Jenga I only focus on growth… and even if it falls apart it’s a learning.
Things made sense when I realized competition internally meant growth for all and not a fight for spots.
Eventually things will fall into place if you have enough faith in your capabilities!
Eventually things will not always be the worst-case scenario! You just got to take the leap!
Someone once advised me that You do not need to be the loudest in the room to make the biggest impact.
I once advised someone that Pineapples works perfectly on pizza and now we are both hated by the pizza police.
If I had a superpower it would be Teleportation, Ughhh rush hours.
My superpower in real life is To find the nearest parking spot in crowded places.
The word I use most is Lunch?
The word is dislike most is Feedback.
This too shall pass Is something I think about whenever im in a pickle.
My most treasured passion is Details! Whether I am telling a story or doing my job.
People should be more Peaceful and open to new connections.
People should be less Resistant to change.
I wish to thank My mentors and colleagues who’ve inspired and challenged me to grow!
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