Rola Diab, a seasoned business and leadership consultant, speaker, and high-impact results coach, who has recently been named Rising Star of the Year by the Arab Woman Awards speaks to Communicate.
“Breaking Cinderella,” can you tell us how this came about and why losing a slipper does not mean losing one’s hope?
“Breaking Cinderella” is about reclaiming power. It is about dismantling the illusion that external forces such as jobs, titles, relationships, circumstances and material possessions, give us power. Building and cultivating internal and external influence are the most important skills we learn to advance our career, especially in the era of AI.
Have you ever felt that your gender has been an impediment for you or that you were denied opportunities because you are a woman?
If a door closes, I find another way in. If the room is unwelcoming, I build my own. The world has its biases, but they are not my shackles. I focus on strategy, action, and results because power does not ask for permission.
Business is often seen as too analytical and too dry, yet you seem to think there is a gut feeling there. How does one integrate the two?
Data informs, but instinct decides. The sharpest leaders listen to both. Business is not just numbers on a spreadsheet, it's human behavior in motion. Pattern recognition, psychology, and intuition are what separate those who survive from those who dominate.
Interesting that burnout actually hits the best of them – and yet you seem to think one can regain their mojo and turn it into brilliance again. Any thoughts?
Burnout is misalignment, not weakness. It is a signal, a recalibration point. The best don’t quit, they redirect. When energy is spent in the wrong way, it drains. When it is realigned, it fuels. The fire is never out, it just needs oxygen.
The future of business, I am sure this is not a three-piece suit forecast. Any idea where this is going, especially in the GCC region?
Agility, Influence, and vision win. The GCC is evolving fast. AI, automation, and adaptive conscious leadership will define the next decade. Those who cling to old models will watch from the sidelines. Those who embrace change will shape the future.
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